class evaluation
The things i like about this house is that you get to learn all the computer parts and how to be a CTR person. Also when we watch videos related to our topics and how we learn from those videos and improve.And also think the Life Planning Goals Journal is also important and helpful for me because it will effect you in the future and help you be better and achieve your goals. And finally the best part of the class is free time,
The things i don't like about this class is getting terms about your Block 1 and make flash cards about it. I don't like that because i think its pointless to the class in general because we are not learning about are Block 1 we need to learn about our class at that time and not other classes. I feel like we should just focus on our block and not other Blocks.
Some recommendations on improving and making this class better is to learn about the computer parts even more and maybe just maybe have a test on them to see if we know them all by memory.
My highlight for this class is Coding because it so cool have to make your own games and make apps, and websites. Its amazing how people do it and how long it takes to make just a simple video game. And now i learned a little more about coding and it was just great and that why it's my highlight in this class.
I did do my best in this class because i really love it and so amazing about coding and of how to plan your goals and how to CTR.
Yes, I I'm reading and writing goals down in my Life Planning Goals Journal everyday because it is very important and super helpful now and in the future. I do it every single day for at least 5 minutes a day because it i know if i do this it will effect my future in a good way and i will achieve a lot of my goals.
I I'm committed to being a CTR person because i know it will help me become better than i am now. And help me reach and complete my goals that i want now and in the future and help me choose my path of what way i will go and what i would like to be in the future. I will recommend this to everyone to have a Life Planning Journal to start planning your future now and not wait in till the last minute don't wait start now.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
Innovation Of Electric Vehicles
I think that the invention of Electric Vehicles has positive advantages because they are environmentally friendly, their energy is efficient they cover about 59% - 62% of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels while conventional gasoline cars cover only 17% - 21% of the energy stored to power at the wheels.
They also reduced energy dependence because energy is a domestic energy source.
Electric motors provide quiet, smooth operation and stronger acceleration and require less maintenance than internal combustion engines (ICEs).
Electric vehicles are cheaper to maintain because a battery electric vehicle has a lot less moving parts than a conventional petrol/diesel car. There is relatively little servicing and no expensive exhaust systems, starter motors, fuel injection systems, radiators and many other parts that aren’t needed in an EV.
Recent findings have shown that several EV features can improve safety. EVs tend to have a lower center of gravity that makes them less likely to roll over. They can also have a lower risk for major fires or explosions and the body construction and durability of EVs may make them safer in a collision.
They produce less pollution,you can use renewable energy to recharge your EV, you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions even further.
Some of the electric vehicles are made of recycled parts for example the Ford Focus Electric was created with recycled materials and the padding is made out of bio based materials. Reduced harmful exhaust emissions is good news for our health. Better air quality will lead to less health problems and costs caused by air pollution. EVs are also quieter than petrol/diesel vehicles, which means less noise pollution.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
task or project with a clear vision of your desired direction or destination, this habit also means to plan ahead and set goals. If you know what you want in life, work hard and try try until you achieve it.
People need to realize that planing ahead is the best thing we can do, because you know what your mission is, for example if you want to go to college, start thinking about your options and work hard everyday to have good grades and that way graduate from High School. If you want to be a better baseball player, practice everyday and as the time goes by, you will be a better baseball player.
"Think win-win or no deal." means to look for that best deals that means you get a good outcome. Habit number four is to think win win, this means that you be in it to win. Don't have it set in your mind that you are going to fail. For example, if you are trying out for a sports team have it in mind that you are going to make the team. If you don't then you'll just not be trying your best and it's most likely you won't make the team. Thinking win win is not only about winning it means thinking positive

Sharpening The Saw is an ongoing process of personal change , you need to define your own balanced, four-dimensional life to be successful! If you are a leader, I believe part of your role is to help the people who report into you and/or look up to you, explore these things and establish goals for themselves.Stephen says, “It means exercising all four dimensions of our nature, regularly and consistently in a wise and balanced way. To do this we have to be proactive.” I love the words exercise and balance. Proactive means we have to plan for it — to put it in our schedule and protect the time, for all 4 of the above mentioned dimensions.Self improvement takes time — just like working out and getting fit.It is not something that you can just achieve overnight, you need to give yourself time to do it. Once you do the results will be highly beneficial to you. I plan to sharpen the saw by undergoing changes within myself to become a better person.

These 7 Habits of Highly Effective People really taught me alot on how to be an effective person towards success. It has taught me to put my needs before my wants and also to prioritze. I will commit to these 7 Habits by trying to practice one everyday of the week.
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
I think this means that you need to take care of yourself and creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. Because if you don't know how to control yourself then you might not have that much confidence in yourself and won't believe in yourself. For example, it's the day of a big test you will need to be calm and control yourself and take your time in the test. And don't rush through it take your time to control yourself.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
task or project with a clear vision of your desired direction or destination, this habit also means to plan ahead and set goals. If you know what you want in life, work hard and try try until you achieve it.
People need to realize that planing ahead is the best thing we can do, because you know what your mission is, for example if you want to go to college, start thinking about your options and work hard everyday to have good grades and that way graduate from High School. If you want to be a better baseball player, practice everyday and as the time goes by, you will be a better baseball player.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities."
"Organize and execute priorities." means to do the most important things first. Habit three wants you to put things first and that means your priorities. Such as for students our first priority when we get home is to do our homework and then it's to do whatever we want to. Doing our homework is effective because it'll cause us to get good grades in school. Putting our priorities first means no stressing out and no stress makes you happy. Evening out the time you spend in each priority is important because some are more important then others. Some require more time then others. For instance, some college students have to deal with school and work. I believe these two are huge priorities for college students. They have to manage time and that can be hard but overall most of their time goes to college. Even though their job is also a priority.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe.""Diagnose before you prescribe." is easily understood because it's like a doctor won't prescribe you pills without knowing if you truly need them. Habit 5 advises to always try and understand from where others come from before getting them to understand you. It's easier to get someone to understand you when you know where they are coming from because it'll be easier for you to interpret. For example, if you disagree with someone and they aren't understanding what you are trying to say. You can by asking them why they strongly agree with that and how they can about with that mindset.
Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
I think this means that that we all need to work together to get the job done. Because two brains is better than one brain. For example, you're taking a group math test and you don't get one question you can always tell your group members for help and will come to an agreement on a answer. And it will help you a lot from learning from your mistakes.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
Sharpening The Saw is an ongoing process of personal change , you need to define your own balanced, four-dimensional life to be successful! If you are a leader, I believe part of your role is to help the people who report into you and/or look up to you, explore these things and establish goals for themselves.Stephen says, “It means exercising all four dimensions of our nature, regularly and consistently in a wise and balanced way. To do this we have to be proactive.” I love the words exercise and balance. Proactive means we have to plan for it — to put it in our schedule and protect the time, for all 4 of the above mentioned dimensions.Self improvement takes time — just like working out and getting fit.It is not something that you can just achieve overnight, you need to give yourself time to do it. Once you do the results will be highly beneficial to you. I plan to sharpen the saw by undergoing changes within myself to become a better person.

These 7 Habits of Highly Effective People really taught me alot on how to be an effective person towards success. It has taught me to put my needs before my wants and also to prioritze. I will commit to these 7 Habits by trying to practice one everyday of the week.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Importance Of Setting Goals
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality.The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray.

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality.The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Health Care CareerSo there were many positions that a lot of people take on the video that we saw as a class. Some of them are for example are occupational therapist or speech therapist . A occupational therapist is someone who helps people in doing the day by day daily bases. They help people recover or maintain the meaningful activities. There is also a speech therapist. A speech therapist is someone who helps them speak much better. Some of these therapist help them also to with swallowing disorders they might have. There is also a Diagnostic Radiographer was on the video, So the radiographer is is the one that take some x rays to see if the patients have something. Then they check to see how they could be treated. For the whole video what i learned is that they all help people. In there own way they always help people. So at the end of the day the helped the people that needed there help.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Six Attitude of High Achiever
1. Make no small plans: What this means is to set high goals that are usually not that easy to accomplish. Dream big set some goals for example you want to buy a car and for you that's a really big goal because you don't have the money for it. So what you do is that you find a job and start working really hard. You become very exhausted from all your hard work. Next thing you know the you have enough money to buy the car without leaving you in debt. You buy the car and you set some new goals. "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Zig Ziglar
2. Do what they Fear
High achievers do what they fear. Once you conquer your fears, then fear is nothing to you. You feel like you are able to do anything in the world because you are not afraid to do what scares you the most. Someone somewhere right now is jumping off a cliff or going skydiving because it's what fears them the most. For example, there was a man that jumped from a plane, 25,000 feet up, and landed on a net on the floor. As he jumped he used no parachute. How many people do you know will go out and do that right this second? I know I probably would chicken out and say "Heck No!" Everyone in life will be afraid of something. Me, for example, am afraid to speak out or present in front of an audience. I will go up and turn red and lose my train of thought and keep saying "umm." I know sooner or later I will conquer that fear. One day I'm going to go up and speak like nothing is wrong. For me it all takes time. I can also go out and do the unthinkable like climb Mount Everest or jump off from a tall building, I don't know. Another one of my fears were roller coasters. I hated them so much that I never like to even look at them because I would start to feel sick. One day I went with my friend to SIx Flags and they made me get on all the rides over there. After I got off, I was like "Wow! That was really fun!" The point is that once you get over the fear that you have, you won't be afraid to do anything. You will feel INVINCIBLE!
3.Willing to Prepare
High Achievers are willing to Risk Failure
What I mean by high achievers are willing to risk failure is that they aren't afraid to lose. They know that in order to get better they have to take risks. Such as some celebrities take risks and fly out to Los Angeles hoping to have their dreams come true. They are taking a big risks because they are leaving the comfort of their homes and coming to a random place where they know no one. Some actors get rejected form the movies they wanna do but if they just give up then they won't be able to get a job. They just need to keep auditioning into they get their big break. Some business people also have to take risks, such as directors. They sometimes take risks in adding some content that has been controversial; sometimes it works out and other times it doesn't.
'' High achievers have a heart'', said by John Noe. This is very true to many people because you if do not have feelings to something that you really want to achieve, then what are you going to gain from it? It's said that many high achievers who have a heart care for who surrounds them, which is really important. in my own words high achievers think positive and are willing to accomplish anything they set their mind too. For example, I am willing to continue to be a high achiever with heart by accomplishing everything I want and feel it is important to me. Everything is possible if you have your mind set on something by heart. High achievers have a heart because thing are listening to what is good for them and not to what's negative. I use my example as high achiever because I've shown to never, never, give up and my heart never lets me give up. If there is something that I want more in this world is to graduate and go to College. This is an example of a high achiever with heart.
1. Make no small plans: What this means is to set high goals that are usually not that easy to accomplish. Dream big set some goals for example you want to buy a car and for you that's a really big goal because you don't have the money for it. So what you do is that you find a job and start working really hard. You become very exhausted from all your hard work. Next thing you know the you have enough money to buy the car without leaving you in debt. You buy the car and you set some new goals. "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Zig Ziglar
2. Do what they Fear

3.Willing to Prepare
3. High Achievers are willing to prepare
High Achievers are willing to take time and better themselves. They will practice until they are nearly at perfection. They also don't care if the process is really long. For instance, climbing Mount Everest is really hard. The climbers have to train a lot because they must be fit. They probably practice for months maybe even years, I wouldn't know. But that is how they are high achievers, they don't give up and are willing to prepare. Another example can be astronauts. They prepare so hard and everyone considers them high achievers. They are recognized by everyone for their hard work and dedication. They have to go through a lot of training and through school too. They have to know how to manage a rocket and
High Achievers are willing to Risk Failure
5. Are Teachable
Being teachable can be helping other on what they do not understand and you teaching them the ways to get through it. It can be with anything. You can teach someone how to drive and that's already one thing. You're helping them and helping is the most important thing anyone can do. Being teachable is nothing bad because that person learns from you and they know who to go to when they need help because you proved yourself as someone who can help and teach someone else with things. And being that person can mean a lot. It is nice for someone to look up to you and go to you for help.
Being teachable can be helping other on what they do not understand and you teaching them the ways to get through it. It can be with anything. You can teach someone how to drive and that's already one thing. You're helping them and helping is the most important thing anyone can do. Being teachable is nothing bad because that person learns from you and they know who to go to when they need help because you proved yourself as someone who can help and teach someone else with things. And being that person can mean a lot. It is nice for someone to look up to you and go to you for help.
6. High Achievers have heart

Thursday, September 7, 2017
The nine ways to be happy and make something of your life
Be Grateful
to be grateful you need good person and not be mean to anyone you need to be the one to help out someone in need and be caring and you will get back good rewards you don't always need a reward all you need is a thank you

Be involved
3.Be involved: in life there might be a time that you will get involved in something like joining a club are a team if you get involved you know you have to focus on your grades and do all your work you will have to keep your grades up and not let anything bring you down.

Be clean
4. be clean: to be clean you have to be neat and if you see something on the floor you can pick it up and throw it away if you want to be clean you have to clean everyday and not leave a mess you should always be clean there are some people that like don't like being clean but there are more people clean.

Be true
Be Still
Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen that stillness becomes a radiance. In order to understand the dance one must be still. And in order to truly understand stillness one must dance. Sometimes you need to stay still and enjoy the view.
Be Prayerful
Be smart
2. be smart: in life you need to be smart and you need education and you need to be a good person and like to learn because if you don't like to earn why try and not learn and waste the one helping you do your work why not instead you do your work and not be that one kid that has to take all your classes all over again.
Be involved
3.Be involved: in life there might be a time that you will get involved in something like joining a club are a team if you get involved you know you have to focus on your grades and do all your work you will have to keep your grades up and not let anything bring you down.
Be clean
4. be clean: to be clean you have to be neat and if you see something on the floor you can pick it up and throw it away if you want to be clean you have to clean everyday and not leave a mess you should always be clean there are some people that like don't like being clean but there are more people clean.

Be true
5. Be true: in life you have to pay attention and not lie or be a CTW you need to be a good person and not cheat you need to be true to yourself and not lie like for example you have a test and your friend asks if you can let him copy and you say yes your not being true to yourself you should always be true to yourself and not copy or let anyone copy from you you should just say no.

Be positive
6. Be positive: you need to be positive to have a good life if your not positive you will have a not so good life being positive makes you feel better but if your not positive your going to make bad decisions no one shouldn't be negative everyone should be positive to make the right choices in life not like other people they just want to be cool they want to break the rules to fit in with the cool kids

Be positive
6. Be positive: you need to be positive to have a good life if your not positive you will have a not so good life being positive makes you feel better but if your not positive your going to make bad decisions no one shouldn't be negative everyone should be positive to make the right choices in life not like other people they just want to be cool they want to break the rules to fit in with the cool kids
Be Humble
This is another way to be happy and make something of your life is to be Humble. This way is great because being humble is also like being positive about yourself and everyone around you. It can make something of your life because being humble can take you to places.BE

Be Still
Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen that stillness becomes a radiance. In order to understand the dance one must be still. And in order to truly understand stillness one must dance. Sometimes you need to stay still and enjoy the view.

Be Prayerful
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class evaluation The thing that I liked the most was learning how to make a website. I like everyth...
Health Care Career So there were many positions that a lot of people take on the video that we saw as a class. Some of them are ...