1. Make no small plans: What this means is to set high goals that are usually not that easy to accomplish. Dream big set some goals for example you want to buy a car and for you that's a really big goal because you don't have the money for it. So what you do is that you find a job and start working really hard. You become very exhausted from all your hard work. Next thing you know the you have enough money to buy the car without leaving you in debt. You buy the car and you set some new goals. "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Zig Ziglar
2. Do what they Fear
High achievers do what they fear. Once you conquer your fears, then fear is nothing to you. You feel like you are able to do anything in the world because you are not afraid to do what scares you the most. Someone somewhere right now is jumping off a cliff or going skydiving because it's what fears them the most. For example, there was a man that jumped from a plane, 25,000 feet up, and landed on a net on the floor. As he jumped he used no parachute. How many people do you know will go out and do that right this second? I know I probably would chicken out and say "Heck No!" Everyone in life will be afraid of something. Me, for example, am afraid to speak out or present in front of an audience. I will go up and turn red and lose my train of thought and keep saying "umm." I know sooner or later I will conquer that fear. One day I'm going to go up and speak like nothing is wrong. For me it all takes time. I can also go out and do the unthinkable like climb Mount Everest or jump off from a tall building, I don't know. Another one of my fears were roller coasters. I hated them so much that I never like to even look at them because I would start to feel sick. One day I went with my friend to SIx Flags and they made me get on all the rides over there. After I got off, I was like "Wow! That was really fun!" The point is that once you get over the fear that you have, you won't be afraid to do anything. You will feel INVINCIBLE!
3.Willing to Prepare
3. High Achievers are willing to prepareHigh Achievers are willing to take time and better themselves. They will practice until they are nearly at perfection. They also don't care if the process is really long. For instance, climbing Mount Everest is really hard. The climbers have to train a lot because they must be fit. They probably practice for months maybe even years, I wouldn't know. But that is how they are high achievers, they don't give up and are willing to prepare. Another example can be astronauts. They prepare so hard and everyone considers them high achievers. They are recognized by everyone for their hard work and dedication. They have to go through a lot of training and through school too. They have to know how to manage a rocket and
High Achievers are willing to Risk Failure
What I mean by high achievers are willing to risk failure is that they aren't afraid to lose. They know that in order to get better they have to take risks. Such as some celebrities take risks and fly out to Los Angeles hoping to have their dreams come true. They are taking a big risks because they are leaving the comfort of their homes and coming to a random place where they know no one. Some actors get rejected form the movies they wanna do but if they just give up then they won't be able to get a job. They just need to keep auditioning into they get their big break. Some business people also have to take risks, such as directors. They sometimes take risks in adding some content that has been controversial; sometimes it works out and other times it doesn't.
5. Are Teachable
Being teachable can be helping other on what they do not understand and you teaching them the ways to get through it. It can be with anything. You can teach someone how to drive and that's already one thing. You're helping them and helping is the most important thing anyone can do. Being teachable is nothing bad because that person learns from you and they know who to go to when they need help because you proved yourself as someone who can help and teach someone else with things. And being that person can mean a lot. It is nice for someone to look up to you and go to you for help.
Being teachable can be helping other on what they do not understand and you teaching them the ways to get through it. It can be with anything. You can teach someone how to drive and that's already one thing. You're helping them and helping is the most important thing anyone can do. Being teachable is nothing bad because that person learns from you and they know who to go to when they need help because you proved yourself as someone who can help and teach someone else with things. And being that person can mean a lot. It is nice for someone to look up to you and go to you for help.
6. High Achievers have heart
'' High achievers have a heart'', said by John Noe. This is very true to many people because you if do not have feelings to something that you really want to achieve, then what are you going to gain from it? It's said that many high achievers who have a heart care for who surrounds them, which is really important. in my own words high achievers think positive and are willing to accomplish anything they set their mind too. For example, I am willing to continue to be a high achiever with heart by accomplishing everything I want and feel it is important to me. Everything is possible if you have your mind set on something by heart. High achievers have a heart because thing are listening to what is good for them and not to what's negative. I use my example as high achiever because I've shown to never, never, give up and my heart never lets me give up. If there is something that I want more in this world is to graduate and go to College. This is an example of a high achiever with heart.